Friday 17 February 2012


Well finally i've managed to set up Little Red Robin Jewellery website of our very own - woohoo. 

It will be a work in progress as we have lots of new ideas to incorporate, just cant do it all at once.  If you have time do take a look.

My particular favourite part is my jewellery forum where people can chat or ask questions which i will do my best to answer or add links to answers if i don't know!

Thank you



  1. The website looks great!
    I just want to say thank you. A few weeks ago I posted on here saying how much I loved the "love" stamped toe ring. For valentines day my fiance bought me one with the word "mugwai" stamped onto it and you did a brilliant job, its beautiful and I love it. So thank you very much. I'm going to blog about it in a couple of days time so I'll be sure to send you a link and link to the new website :) xx

    1. Thank you so much Annie. We (my twin sister and I) are very excited about the website and new ideas we have for this year and so pleased you loved your ring. I looked up the word "mugwai" couldn't find it and realised it might be nickname. You must have a lovely fiance.

      Thanks for blogging soon about new website please send me a link i'd love to see it.

      Keep in touch

      Jen and Liz x

      There's a link to my blog post, I hope you like what I've written.
      A mugwai is the cute little fluffy thing that Gizmo is in gremlins, but yeah, it's his nickname for me.
      Thanks again for the lovely ring :) I've tweeted a link to the website too :) Annie xx
